Premium has an agreement with Versiherungskammer (Bayern Líf) to collect membership fees and offer you various other services.
A copy of your pension contract, along with notifications, is stored in your data storage. Access your data by logging in with your digital credentials
Find more information about Bayern Líf's products here.
Click below and log in with your digital credentials to access your pages. There, you'll find an overview of payments into the fund.

New Employer?
If you have changed wage payers, register your new payer in this form to maintain your savings.

Wage Payer
Premium has an agreement with Versicherungskammer (Bayern Líf) for collecting contributions for Bayern's private property insurance.
Bayern Líf's VAT Number: 410807-8740
Premium uses the Jóakim software suite from Init – Iceland's most widely used pension and benefits registration system.
Bayern Líf's VAT Number: 410807-8740
Account Number: 0301-26-410807
Fund Number: 310
Premium uses the Jóakim software suite from Init – Iceland's most widely used pension and benefits registration system.